
CurlewSandpipersforageonmudflatsandnearbyshallowwater.Innon-tidalwetlands,theyusuallywade,mostlyinwater15–30mm,butupto60mm,deep.They ...,Medium-sizedwaderwithalong,slightlydowncurvedbill.SlightlylargerthanDunlin,withlongerandfinerbill,longerlegs.Inflightnotelargewhite ...,Thecurlewsandpiper(Calidrisferruginea)isasmallwaderthatbreedsonthetundraofArcticSiberia.Curlewsandpiper.Non-breedingplumage...

Calidris ferruginea — Curlew Sandpiper

Curlew Sandpipers forage on mudflats and nearby shallow water. In non-tidal wetlands, they usually wade, mostly in water 15–30 mm, but up to 60 mm, deep. They ...

Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea

Medium-sized wader with a long, slightly downcurved bill. Slightly larger than Dunlin, with longer and finer bill, longer legs. In flight note large white ...

Curlew sandpiper

The curlew sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea) is a small wader that breeds on the tundra of Arctic Siberia. Curlew sandpiper. Non-breeding plumage.

Curlew Sandpiper

This species breeds in northern Siberia and a small proportion of individuals migrate through Britain & Ireland to wintering grounds in western Africa. Autumn ...

Curlew Sandpiper Facts

The Curlew Sandpiper is similar to a Dunlin, but in autumn it looks cleaner and paler with a white eyestripe. It has a longer, more down-curved bill than a ...